Social Media
FAQS for Beginners
What are the benefits of Social Media?
You’ll connect with consumers personally and meet them on their terms and where they feel most comfortable spending time.
Do I need a Facebook page?
It depends on your business. It might make more sense to build awareness through your personal profile, but there are limits to how your personal profile can be used. For example, a Facebook business page can provide search-engine visibility and the ability to build meaningful relationships with people truly interested in your product or service.
What is the difference between a Facebook profile and a business page?
A Facebook “profile” page is your personal “Timeline” and a Facebook “business page” is for branding a product or representing a company, community, or special interest group.
Why should I have a Twitter account?
Twitter allows potential customers get a better understanding of who you are, what your business is all about, and how you might best serve their needs given their particular circumstances. Tweeting allows businesses to connect with a specific target audience and to establish a brand voice and tweeting rhythm.
How is YouTube important to my business?
YouTube is the second largest search engine next to Google and the number one site for video content (though Facebook is quickly catching up!). It provides the ability to put video content in front of the right people.
Why should I have a Blog?
To publish thoughts, give advice, and share knowledge; to extend social media conversations; and to brand yourself as an expert within your field.
How much time should I spend on Social Media?
Media within your means, but build a realistic amount of time into your weekly workflow to grow.
What are a few top tips to help me be successful on Social Media?
- share content
- be passionate about your business
- connect with influencers
- be consistent
- keep tone light and positive
What are the mistakes I can avoid when starting social media?
- Not understanding the importance of Social Media
- Not double-checking content before it’s posted
- Forgetting to post or letting time pass without posting
- Not researching which platform(s) are best for your target audience